First Dr. Appointment!

 February 9, 2021

   I've been spending the last 1.5 weeks searching for a new OBGYN since I felt that my last one (whom I experienced the last 3 miscarriages with) wasn't helpful at all. I read about this new location on Yelp and it had lots of convincing reviews that I just couldn't turn away from. I'm super excited about this new journey with more compassionate doctors!

 February 10, 2021

   I was bummed Nes couldn't come with me to my appointment since he went to get the 1st dose of the Covid vaccine around the same time as my doctor's BUT good news! There is definitely a baby cooking in there! The nurse measured me at 8 weeks + 3 days and I even got to hear a strong heartbeat. I couldn't let myself feel much emotions though since a part of me will always be worrying about what could go wrong. It was reassuring hearing the doctor say "Once we've confirmed a heartbeat, your chances of miscarriage immediately drops to x%." From a first impression, I have already fallen in love with this new OBGYN location. Everyone is wonderful and non-judgemental. I'm confident that this pregnancy has a high chance of thriving in an environment like this. Thank God right off the bat, my doctor ordered a list of high-risk tests I need to do just to be sure they're doing everything they can to keep me and baby safe. The greatest thing I'm taking away from today is getting to see how active baby is. He/she just couldn't keep still in there and I couldn't stop smiling. KEEP GROWING LITTLE ONE! 
