March 9 , 2021 Now that I'm officially in the second trimester, I can feel so many changes. For starters, my nausea has thankfully gone away which means I can finally get real food in my system. From weeks 1-6, I rarely had any major symptoms except cramps and painful stomach aches. Then, I annoyingly got a stiff neck that lasted a whole month! After I got to hear my little one's heartbeat at my 9-week appointment, I even took up yoga for a short time because my whole body felt very achy. If I had to choose the worst times though, it would have to be between weeks 8-10 because my nausea was terrible-- granted I never actually threw anything up, I was just gagging A LOT . I was nauseous whether I had food in my system or not. I even carried crackers and ginger in my bag just in case. Eventually by the start of 11-weeks, my nausea went away and since then, I've only felt it twice, THANK GOD! Another expected symptom I've gotten is sensitivity t...